



Transportation Systems Analysis: Performance and Optimization - 1.200
Fall 2011 - present
Past co-lecturers: Prof. Amedeo Odoni, Prof. Cynthia Barnhart, Prof. António Antunes

Transportation Systems Modeling - 1.041
Spring 2011 - present
Past co-lecturers: Prof. John Williams, Prof. Marta González

Modélisation et simulation en logistique; Institut International de Management pour la Logistique
December 13, 2007. Paris, France

Simulation - Decision Models; EPFL
December 03, 2007. Lausanne, Switzerland

Simulation tools - Decision Models; EPFL
November 26, 2007. Lausanne, Switzerland

Teaching Assistant - Graduate Courses

Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Demand and Market Shares (EPFL)
Lectures given by Professors: Moshe Ben-Akiva (MIT), Michel Bierlaire (EPFL), Denis Bolduc (University Laval) and Daniel McFadden (University of California; Nobel Prize Laureate, 2000)
2010, February 07-11. Lausanne, Switzerland
2009, March 24-28. Lausanne, Switzerland
2008, March 25-29. Lausanne, Switzerland

Modeling and Simulation in Logistics (International Institute for the Management of Logistics)
2008, May 19-23. Lausanne, Switzerland
2007, April 30-May 04. Lausanne, Switzerland
2006, May 01-05. Lausanne, Switzerland

Modélisation et simulation en logistique (Institut International de Management pour la Logistique)
2007, December 10-14. Paris, France
2006, December 11-15. Paris, France

Teaching Assistant - Undergraduate Courses

Modélisation mathématique du comportement
Fall 2007, Section(s): SMA (EPFL)
Fall 2006, Section(s): SMA (EPFL)

Operations Research
Spring 2006, Section(s): SIN (EPFL)
Fall 2005, Section(s): SIN (EPFL)
Fall 2005, Section(s): SSC,SPH (EPFL)

Student Project Supervision at EPFL

Diploma Theses

Customer Centric Revenue Management
Marjorie Benz, 2006/10/16-2007/02/16
Identification du nombre et de l'emplacement de centres de redistribution
Thomas Robin, 2006/04/03-2006/07/28

Semester Projects

Optimization of Lausanne's traffic signal timings
Yanjun Zhang, 2008/02/29-2008/06/06
Graphical interface for a JAVA simulator
Fetiarison Mamy Nirina, 2007/08/01-2007/08/31
Deadlock detection
Anken Nicolas, 2007/03/26-2007/06/29
Simulation of finite capacity queueing networks
Meier Pirmin, 2006/11/01-2007/02/17